Employers across all industry verticals have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, companies should do their most to take advantage of the various pandemic tax credits that have been made available during these strenuous times. It can also help to hire a knowledgeable corporate law attorney who can make the most… [Continue Reading]
Tax Refund Garnishment
There are many consumers who look forward to getting substantial tax refunds each year. These funds may be used as savings, to pay for various expenses, or to pay off existing debt. Consumers who have made plans to spend their tax refunds may be concerned about the ability of existing creditors to garnish those tax… [Continue Reading]
Now that the Taxes are Done
That April 15th (or this year, April 18th) deadline looms large over many of us, causing us to put all sorts of items on our financial and business plan to-do list on hold, held in a stasis until our filing is complete. But now the taxes are hopefully behind you (expect for you extension filers).… [Continue Reading]